Residence Hall Association

Residence Hall Association (RHA) is a residential student-run organization that strives to develop the on-campus community through a tradition of advocacy, leadership, and programming. These values promise to create a forum for the student voice, provide opportunities for personal development, and coordinate activities to enhance the residential experience.

Become a Student Leader Within Residential Life

If there is any issue you have with Residential Life, or you just want to get involved with where you live, RHA is the place to do it! Find out more about what we do below.

What We Do

Policy Recommendations

RHA makes policy recommendations to Residential Life, partners with student governing bodies and groups, and connects Dalton State College to other students through state, regional, and national conferences.

Leadership and Programming

Additionally, RHA provides leadership and programming in the residential community in order to create a more engaging and exciting place to live.

General Assembly Meetings

RHA General Assembly Meetings are held every other Tuesday at 3:20 p.m. in the Learning Commons (located in the main lobby of Mashburn Hall).

Residential Life Resources

Resident of the Month

Nominate an outstanding Mashburn Hall resident who has made an impact on the residential and academic community.

Nominate a resident

Staff Member of the Month

Nominate an outstanding Mashburn Hall staff member who has made an impact on the residential and academic community.

Nominate a staff member

Residential Life Improvement Request

Want to request for an improvement or other concerns? Fill out the form on this page to have your proposal reviewed.

Submit a request